Exhibition and Sponsoring Options 2018
click here to sign up as exhibitor
The Symposium is an international information platform for decision makers from politics, armed forces, civil services, ministries, authorities and industries. This platform is an ideal opportunity to stay informed about the latest national and/or international developments and initiatives of the European Union and NATO, get in contact with decision makers and present your companies impetus for CBRN military and civil defence.
Your company is invited to join the conference as an exhibitor or sponsor. With a sponsorship you have the opportunity to present your developments within the main- or panel programme of the conference. Exhibition stands will be available in the conference centre. An outdoor exhibition area is available.
Sponsoring Options
50 m² Booth incl. "Exhibition Option D"
10 Included Tickets
Key Note Industry in the Main Programme, your own Panel Session
VIP-Dinner or VIP-Luncheon or VIP-Pub-Evening
Company Logo at the first page of the invitation
20 m² Booth incl. "Exhibition Option D"
6 Included Tickets
Guaranteed Speaker Slot in a Main- and Panel-Session
Company Logo at the first page of the invitation
12 m² Booth incl. "Exhibition Option C"
4 Included Tickets
Guaranteed Speaker Slot in a Panel-Session
Company Logo at the first page of the invitation
Exhibition Options
Option A | Exhibition Space
Option A (490,00 € / m²) includes:
- Stand in the Size and Position of your Choice
- 1 Ticket per 6 m² booked Space
- 20% Discount for additional “full Tickets”
- 70% Discount for “exhibition only Tickets”
- Security Charge
- Inserts for the Visitor Information
- Electricity (up to two 3-socket Connectors)
Option B | System-Booth
Option B (560,00 € / m²) includes:
- Option A
- Octanorm System Stand
- Carpet Expo Rips Grey
- Booth Ceaning at Night
Option C | System-Booth, Furniture, Front Banner, Illumination
Option C (640,00 € / m²) includes:
- Option B
- Illumination of the Booth
- Front-Banner with your Logo 200 x 50 cm
- Furniture as required
- Sideboard, Counter, Brochure Stand
- Lockable Storage Area (if needed)
- Choose the Colour of your Carpet
Option D | Individual Booth Concept
Option D (740,00 € / m²) includes:
- Option C
- Premium-Booth Building, i.e.:
- Wood-Construction
- Printed Stretchframe-System
- Traverse Construction
- Presentation Technology (TV, Beamer)
- Graphics at the Booth
- Laminate / Parquet / Carpet

Download Exhibitor Information (available in June 2018)
Contact for Sponsors and Exhibitors
Stephan Brüss
Director Conference Management and Marketing
Tel.: +49-228-41098-12
Fax: +49-228-41098-19
GSM: +49-171-4704799